Admin Post Hey everyone! P1-Gaming e.V. is currently working on the yearly plan for 2025 and we could use your input! We would like to invite each and everyone of you to an open talk about our plans for 2025. How will 2025 be structured, what type of events will be held, what about a switch to LMU? We will propose our plans and would like to hear your feedback and input! So: Join us on Saturday (9th November 2024) at 8:00PM CET on our Teamspeak. Cheers Your P1-Gaming e.V. Team
Hi guys, unfortunately i was not able to attend last week. You guys planning to post an report of the discussion and the preliminary outcome ? cheers, Danny
Admin Post Hi Danny! Yup this is in progress. I was hoping to have finished it already but due to my work schedule and the upcoming 24h race i wasn't able to. Cheers
I unfortunately can´t find any further information about 2025 anywhere on this site, I'm assuming that there won't be any championships this year? I've been waiting for some information on this topic for a long time, but I wanted to ask now about my planning this year. cheers Andrej
Admin Post We organize a special event with rf2 every month and work on series for lmu in the same time. New this year will be that we will also offer series in AC and ACE. we have already announced the first rf2 event
Admin Post Hey Andrej! Wanted to write something about your message as well. After a few turbulent weeks with my father passing away i just have not had the time and motivation to complete my summary of the talk and our plans. Also due to the rapid developments in terms of LMU, we had to change plans slightly. It basically is as Markus wrote in his message. We'll be doing rF2 Special Events, test races in LMU until LMU is viable for a Season and there will be some stuff done in AC and ACE as well if possible. I'll try to gather all the information and post it in the forums ASAP. Cheers Ricardo
Hi Ricardo. I am very sorry to hear that. my sincere condolences and best wishes for you and your Family!